Join Us

When we reflect on what has contributed the most t o t he success of Corner 17, what comes to mind is our staff that have always gone above and beyond to make customers f eel welcomed and at home in our restaurant. When our family first moved t o t he United States, we didn’t know a single other person as all of our relatives were back in China. I t was a scary feeling being alone in a new environment without the support of our other family. Some of the first people we met were our employees. From other families, college students, and people who also just moved t o t he area, our employees came from all walks of life and shared their passion f or food and culture with us. Working i n a restaurant is often fast-paced and challenges can arise at any moment, but t heir drive t o l earn and pride in their work inspired us. Their kindness, sincerity, and warmth in every interaction with each other and our customers touched us. We came to care about every single person deeply. Our staff members became more than people we worked with, they became part of our family. Corner 17 has always meant family, growth, and dreams. We invite you to join our family, grow with us, and work together to reach f or our dreams.




Our staff members became more than people we worked with, they became part of our family. Corner 17 has always meant family, growth, and dreams. We invite you to join our family, grow with us, and work together to reach f or our dreams.


job1 Our staff members became more than people we worked with, they became part of our family. Corner 17 has always meant family, growth, and dreams. We invite you to join our family, grow with us, and work together to reach f or our dreams.
